Samsung last year shortly after releasing the Galaxy S3 announced another device to accompany their flagship handset. That phone of course was the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, which essentially was a smaller, less powerful version of the Galaxy S3. Primally aimed at those who were turned away by the size and price of the flagship handset.
So it comes as no surprise when details of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini were leaked online last week, and now subsequently confirmed by Samsung.
The device apparently shown next to the Galaxy S4 Mini on the above picture is the Galaxy S4 Mini, which suggests that the device is larger than the current S3 Mini. Which does bring it in line with the rumored specifications for the Galaxy S4, which is said to be as follows:
4.3 Super AMOLED qHD display with 256ppi
1.6 Ghz Dual-core CPU
1GB Ram
Running Jelly Bean 4.2.2
Supporting both HSPA+ and LTE
Dimensions are yet unknown.
If the above specifications turn out to be the real deal, then in all honesty the Galaxy s4 Mini is somewhat disappointing. The current Galaxy S3 Mini broadly speaking has similar specifications and the only real difference with the S4 Mini is the increase in display size by 3inch. The price is estimated be around £300, which will inevitable make other mid range handsets more appealing as they have slightly lower prices.
We will no doubt bring you more on this as soon as further details are revealed.
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